28th Mediterranean Maritime Heritage Forum (San Benedetto del Tronto, 2023)

The 2003 UNESCO Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage defends traditional cultural practices and expressions, emphasising the importance of their transmission and preservation. Practices and knowledge related to food preparation are part of the peoples’ culture as stated in the 2010 UNESCO Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage in Eritrea.

Fish dishes occupy a large part of the tables in our homes and Mediterranean restaurants, as an everyday food and as an important tourism attraction. This traditional cuisine is the result of the various ways of catching, preserving, processing and cooking our fish, which constitutes one of the cultural elements of our Mediterranean identity. The gastronomy of our towns and cities is a sign of the different Mediterranean’s cultural identities. The poor cuisine of our ancestors has been enriched with flavours, fragrances and colours thanks to the inventiveness and creativity of the seafaring people. The savoir faire of gastronomic heritage should be part of the intangible cultural inventory of cultures. It is a living heritage that evolves over time, and from this comes the complexity of its management and maintenance.

Where there is still a strong sense of origins, food science applied in the kitchen develops along the paths of a history made up of the land resources, customs, social habits and economic conditions of people. In the words of Claude Lévy Strauss “Cuisine is a language through which a society expresses itself” and it is therefore the AMMM’s firm intention to highlight the common elements of the Mediterranean identity, made up of different local typicalities, talking about this cultural aspect as well.

The San Benedetto del Tronto Forum also marks the 25th year of activity of the AMMM, which has taken the aubergine, a vegetable present and used in the cuisine of the entire Mediterranean area, as the “witness” of its Forums.

First session: Maritime cuisine as an intangible cultural heritage

  • Pierangelo Campodonico (Mu.MA – Galata Museo del Mare di Genova): Il rancio e la ciurma. Cultura materiale e cultura immateriale nella storia del cibo a bordo.
  • Tea Perincic (Pomorski Muzej Rijeka), La salatura e conservazione delle sardine in barile da Hvar e Vis al Mediterraneo
  • Maria Lucia De Nicolò, Maura Silvagni (Museo della Marineria di Pesaro), Pesce fresco, conservato, “navigato”. Una geografia culinaria del Mediterraneo
  • Pietro Maniscalco (Museo della Marineria di Pesaro), Past centuries food on board the ships in the Mediterranean
  • Miquel Martí (Museu de la Pesca de Palamós), L’Espai del Peix. La cultura del pescado como valor añadido del territorio
  • Danijela Djukic (PI Museum and gallery Tivat), Fishing Night’s in the municipality of Tivat and the area of Boka Bay as a common heritage
  • Giuseppe Merlini (Archivio storico e Museo del Mare di San Benedetto del Tronto), Tra brodetto e trabaccolara: la cucina della marineria di San Benedetto del Tronto
  • Alberto Senatore (Ecomuseo Marittimo Diffuso di Salerno e della costa campana), “Pane nostro” dall’Asia al Mediterraneo, dal contadino al marinaio

Second session: Local studies, experiences and best practices regarding traditional maritime cuisine and food education

  • Caterina Pisu (Museo della Navigazione nelle Acque Interne – Capodimonte VT), Dalle anguille di Papa Martino IV alla sbroscia: storia delle tradizioni culinarie dei pescatori del Lago di Bolsena
  • Giorgio Affanni, Federica Cozzio (videomakers, etnoanthropologists), In cucina con Lando: il pesce della tradizione adriatica come alimento quotidiano
  • Kate Šikić Čubrić (Betina Museum of Wooden Shipbuilding), Shellfish hunting in the vicinity of the island of Murter: Practices, techniques, storytelling
  • Franco Juri (Pomorski Muzej Piran), Culinary tradition in the salt pans
  • Gino Troli (Circolo dei Sambenedettesi), La cucina di mare come esperienza turistica lungo la costa marchigiana
  • Franca Acerenza, Anna Dentoni (Promotori Musei Mare Galata Museo del Mare), Travelling anchovies: a traditional cuisine between mountains and the oceans
  • Proposta per la costituzione di un gruppo di lavoro tematico ICOM Italia “Musei Marittimi” (only for Italian museums)
  • Note per la costituzione dei gruppi di lavoro ICOM Italia
  • Lurdes Boix Llonch (Museo de la Anchoa y de la Sal – L’Escala), La cuina de l’anxova i de supervivència dels pescadors de l’Escala
  • Jaume Badia (Museo de la Anchoa y de la Sal – L’Escala), La cuina de la Festa de la Sal
  • Mariona Font (Museo de la Anchoa y de la Sal – L’Escala), La cuina de l’arrós a vora mar
  • Annalisa Canali (Museo del Sale di Cervia), Il sale nella cucina di mare
  • Bruna Kocijan (DUBoak Maritime heritage interpretation centre), In honour of sinful fra Karlo: educational and gastronomic program for the valorisation of the gastronomy of Dubašnica
  • Duška Žitko (Pomorski Muzej Piran), Young chefs explore the tradition

Third session: News, proposals and presentations of museums of the network

  • Tamara Nikolic Djeric * (Ecomuseum and Association House of batana), Spacio Matika: integrating gastronomy in ecomuseum practice
  • Pietrangelo Pettenò* (Marco Polo Project/Società Mutuo Soccorso Carpentieri e Calafati (Venezia), Il gusto della storia. Dai “vini navigati” al “Serenissimo bacalà”
  • Tea Rosić* (Muzej Grada Crikvenice – Crikvenica Town Museum), Traces of the past in present: traditional Crikvenica fishermen’s cuisine
  • Elvira Mata (AMMM), Recuperant la memòria de la dona de mar. Grup de treball de l’AMMM / Recovering the memory of the woman of the sea. AMMM working group
  • Davide Gnola (Museo Marineria Cesenatico), La vela al terzo della Romagna patrimonio culturale immateriale: il primo riconoscimento legale di un elemento di patrimonio immateriale in Italia
  • Tamara Nikolic Djeric (Ecomuseum and Association House of batana), L’iscrizione Croata della vela al terzo e latina al registro del Ministero
  • Franco Cossutta (Museo della pesca del Litorale triestino), Tuna Fishing in the Trieste Littoral
    Robert Mohović (Eco-museo Mošćenička Draga), Fishing heritage presented in the Eco-museum
  • Andreia Filipa Conceição (Museo Marítimo de Sesimbra), Coastal Cultural Center | Sesimbra – A project to promote maritime heritage for the 21st century
  • Luigi Ombrato (Museo del mare di Napoli), Ricostruzione di una paranza corallina armata del 1811
  • Andrea Bonifacio (Museo del Mare di Trieste), Trieste Maritime Museum
  • Other presentations: